Overordnet udfordrer jeg i min kunstneriske praksis, hvordan tekstilhåndværk og -traditioner kan gentænkes i den tekstile flade. Hvordan overflader opbygges lag på lag. Hvordan mønstres rytmik breder sig til nye mønsterdannelser, som igen danner nye konstellationer med rummets egne flader og materialer. Tekstilets spændvidde er rygraden i min praksis, og mødet mellem krop og tekstil er afgørende i mine tekstile rum.
Selected Education:
2013–2015 Artistic production and cultural leadership, diploma, Danish National School of Performing Arts
2009 Didactics and education, University College Capital
2007–2008 Oral and written rhetoric, Folkeuniversitet (People’s University)
2001–2004 Art history, Åbent Universitet (Open University)
1980–1984 Textile Design, School of Decorative Art (now Royal Danish Academy)
1983–1984 Weaving, apprenticed to Margrethe Agger
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
2021 Lysbilleder.com, Møntergade, Copenhagen
2020 Above and Beneath the Surface (Under Over Fladen), Gammelgaard Kunst- og Kulturcenter, Herlev
2019 bLoT, Officinet, Bredgade, Copenhagen, Danish Crafts & Design Association
2016 Flower to my lover #1, Albertslund Town Hall
2013 MAPS – Room for Immersion 2, Stavanger Art Museum
2012 MAPS – Room for Immersion 1, Horsens Art Museum
2012 DOTS, Designmuseum Danmark
2008 alive-oh, Albertslund Town Hall
2008 Hvorfor er dit loft altid hvidt? Til minde om Jakob (Why is Your Ceiling Always White? Jakob in Memoriam), Officinet, Bredgade, Copenhagen
2007 inside outside, Danish Design Centre (with JB)
2006–2007 Resonance, Trapholt Art Museum, Kolding
Selected Group Exhibitions:
2021 Det digitale #1 (The Digital #1), Udstillingssted for tekstil (Exhibition Venue for Textile), Copenhagen
2021 Biennale for Craft & Design, Koldinghus, nominated for the Biennale Award
2020 Textile print from the 1980s, Udstillingssted for tekstil (Exhibition Venue for Textile), Copenhagen
2020 Åbent Loft, Skabelonloftet udstiller (Open Loft: The Template Loft Presents), Cph.
2019 X-Fiber, Masnedø fort, Denmark
2016 Design NOW, Designmuseum Danmark
2003 Crafts Collection no. 8
2002 Form IV, SAK Kunstbygning (SAK Art Building), Svendborg
2001 New Scandinavia, Cologne, Munich and Jyllands-Postens Hus, Copenhagen
Membership and elected positions:
2014–2021 Member of the Board of Representatives, Danish Arts Foundation
2012–2014 Member of the Board of Danish Crafts
2009 Kraks Blå Bog (Danish Who’s Who) (featured)
2003–2008 Member of the council for the Council of Danish Artists, appointed by Danish Crafts & Design
2003–2008 Member of the Board of Danish Crafts & Design Association
2001–2008 Committee chair for the Biennale for Craft & Design
Grants, awards and residency:
Danish Art Workshops: 2019, 2018, 2015/16, 2011, 2008/9, 2006, 2004, 1996, 1993, 1992, 1990, 1988; Danish Arts Foundation, working grants: 2021, 2020, 2018, 2017, 2012, 2011, 2008, 1996, 1993, 1985; Danmarks Nationalbank’s Anniversary Foundation of 1968: 2019, 2011, 2008, 2005,2000, 1997, 1993, 1992 1991;
Danish Arts Foundation, production funding: 2021,2020, 2019, 2011;
Grosserer L. F. Foghts Fond: 2019, 2011, 2005, 1997, 1995;
Beckett-Fonden: 2019; Eickhoff Fond: 2019;
Danish Crafts: 2011, 2003;
Thomas B. Thriges Fond: 1988;
Carlsbergs Jubilæumsfond: 1989;
Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond: 2019, 1991;
Gerda Hennings Mindelegat: 1986;
Knud Højgaard Fond: 2019, 1988;
Scandinavian Furniture Award: 1996;
Designfonden: 1997.
Selected Commissions:
2022 Sold #21#22#23#24 to the Danish Arts Foundation
2018 ORD (Words), public art in the canteen at Herstedlund Skoles (Herstedlund School), Albertslund, in collaboration with 7th year pupils, with support from Lærernes Brandforsikring (The Teachers’ Fire Insurance)
2013 Sale of several older and newer lengths of textile to Designmuseum Danmark
Selcted publications
2021 Jakob Berg – Furniture (editor)
2020 Above and Beneath the Surface (editor/publisher) (about my work)
2019 Dansk tekstilkunst 2009–2019 (Danish Textile Art 2009–2019) (text contributor)
2019 Katalog X-fiber (Catalogue X-fibre) (text contributor)
2016 Danish Design NOW (text contributor)
2012 MAPS catalogue, Horsens Art Museum (editor) (about my work)
2009 Dansk tekstilkunst 1998–2008 (Danish Textile Art 1998–2008) (text contributor)
2008 Hvorfor er dit loft altid hvidt? (Why Is Your Ceiling Always White?) catalogue (editor/publisher) (about my work)
2006 Resonance, Trapholt, catalogue (editor) (about my work)

The two solo dancers from the Royal Danish Ballet : Eugene Sagues Abad og Ryan Tomash, performed a choreography by Eugene Sagues Abad, based on my textile installation, to music composed by the English composer Nigel Goulding. 2020 · Foto: Dorte Krogh

Studio: Skabelonloftet
Refshalevej 167 F
1432 Kbh K, Denmark
+45 61 27 78 57