Chisato Matsumoto 松本千里

2022 Enrolled in DFA, Hiroshima City University2020 MFA, Hiroshima City University1994 Born in Hiroshima Artist Statement I use the tie-dye process to create three-dimensional expressio ns. I challenge myself tocreate new expressions in modern times rooted in materials and techniques, such asinstallations and performances.My works are based on the theme of “individual and crowd” by pe rsonifying tie-dye […]

Toko Hayashi 林塔子

EDUCATION 1994 Postgraduate couse, Seian College of Art and Design 1996 Postgraduate couse, Seian University of Art and Design SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2018 Gallery Nekogameya, Osaka, Japan /2012, 2014,2016 2015 GalleryGallery, Kyoto, Japan /2010 2007 Gallery Maronie, Kyoto, Japan / 1996, 2003 Wacoal Ginza Art Space, Tokyo, Japan / 2003 GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2021 TEXTILE in FUTURE EXPRESSION JTC in TAKARAZUKA, Takarazuka […]

Makiko Wakisaka 脇坂真祈子

1970 Born in Tokyo, Japan 1993 B.A. Keisen University. Faculty of Humanities 1994 Finished Kawashima Textile School Statement “Hidden strength inside the fragileness” “the things that cannot be seen but definitely exist” “Vagueness boundary”. These are my theme of artwork.   I use leaf veins for material. Its appearance is like lace and looks so fragile, […]

Tohru Ohtaka 大高 亨

1964          Born in Akita, Japan 1964 1988          B.A. Musashino Art University, Tokyo, Japan. 1988-1997    Designer of Kawashima Textiles Co.,Ltd. 1997~         Established Design office of “T.O.TEX.STUDIO” in Kyoto, Japan. 1999-2012    Associate professor, Textile division, Kyoto University of arts, Japan. Current      […]

Hiroko Ote 大手裕子

1960 Born in Japan1983 Graduated from Kobe University with a BA in pedagogy1985  Graduated from Kawashima Textile SchoolPresent: Professor of Osaka Seikei University Representative Solo and Selected Exhibitions 2021 “The 15 artists of Fiber Art” / The Museum of Kyoto, Japan 2019 Stef Kreyborg & Hiroko Ote Exhibition / Schick Art Gallery, U.S.A. 2018 “The 7artists of […]

Sisse Fog Odgaard

Som en af ganske få kom hun igennem nåleøjet til en læreplads på Det Kongelige Teater, og i 1993 kunne hun kalde sig dameskrædder. Det kreative hjerte bankende, og i det lå en passioneret tekstilkunstner gemt. Efter nogle år på teateret kaldte TEKO i Herning, hvor Sisse tog uddannelsen til konfektionstekniker. Uddannelsen førte hende til […]

Randi Studsgarth

Uddannet på Kunsthåndværkerskolen 1957-60 og hos Marie Gudme Leth 1961-62; eget værksted fra 1962. Randi Studsgarth har udført ofte farverige og farvestærke billedtæpper i mange forskellige materialer, flere med inspiration fra rejser i Østen. Fra 1980’erne har hun tillige eksperimenteret med bl.a. papir og akrylstøbning. Hun har udført en lang række udsmykningsopgaver til både private […]

Martin Nannestad Jørgensen

Uddannet: 1993, 1998 Study trip to Ethiopia, focussing on rock-hewn churches and coptic art 1986 – 1987 Studies in Japan at the workshop of Prof. Shizuko Oshiro 1983 Study trip to Egypt, focussing on naive and unschooled image making 1980 – 1981 Studies in South and Central America, including studies at Paula Sanches workshop in […]

Lars J Falkenberg

Gl. Vindingevej 115800 Nyborgmobil: BIOGRAPHY – Lars J. Falkenberg Member of: Danish Visual Artists. BKF Education: Design School Copenhagen 1979 – 83. – selected exhibitions – 1985             Nordic Textile Triennale 1987 International Textile Fair, Kyoto, Japan. 19917. International Textile Biennale, Lodz, Poland.TEGN I 90erne. Kunsthallen Brandts, Odense. Fynske Kunsthåndværkere og nordiske gæster.Nordenfjelske Art and Craft Museum, […]

Kit Kjærbye

UDDANNELSE Glyptotekets tegneskole 1971-1972 Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi 1972-1978. Master i Ledelse Kunst og Kultur 2011 MEDLEMSKAB: Billedkunstnernes Forbund Kvindelige Kunstneres Samfund, formand 2010-2019 Grafisk Værksted i Næstved