Dorte Østergaard Jakobsen

Overordnet udfordrer jeg i min kunstneriske praksis, hvordan tekstilhåndværk og -traditioner kan gentænkes i den tekstile flade. Hvordan overflader opbygges lag på lag. Hvordan mønstres rytmik breder sig til nye mønsterdannelser, som igen danner nye konstellationer med rummets egne flader og materialer. Tekstilets spændvidde er rygraden i min praksis, og mødet mellem krop og tekstil […]
Annette Graae

BIOGRAFI – Annette Graae Uddannelse: Kirsten og John Beckers værksted, Nærum (1964) samt Jette Gemzøes værksted, Kbh. med svendebrev og speciale i gobelin (1964 – 67) Medlem af Medlem af BKF Billedkunstnernes Forbund. *KKS Kvindelige Kunstneres Samfund Dansk Gobelinkunst KVINFOs ekspertdatabase Danske Kunsthåndværkere, formand for udstillingsudvalget Officinet 2004-2007 Billedkunstnernes Forbunds optagelsesudvalg 1997-98, bestyrelsen 1999-2001 IAA […]
Anne Bjørn

BIOGRAPHY – ANNE BJØRN Member of: Artist society. Danish Visual Artists. DKoD. The Danish Women´s Artist association. Education: Design School Kolding 1973-75, and assistant at several workshops – selected exhibitions – 2021 Officinet, solo, KBH. Danish Tapestry, Johannes Larsen Museet, Kerteminde. Laboratorium, Eckernföde, DE. The Cordis Prize, Edinburgh, Scotland. 2020 Handelskammer, Hamburg, DE. Tobaksgaarden, Assens, […]
Yuko Takada Keller

Medlem af Danske Billedkunstnernes Forbund Født i Osaka 1958 2014~2019 Gæsteprofessor ved Sagami Women’s University 1997~ Flyttet til Danmark. Kunstner, Kurator 1994-97 Lektor; Seian College of Art and Design 1990-94 Underviser; Seian Women’s College 1983-90 Forel.ser, Kyoto Junior College of Fine Art, Forelæser, Seian Women’s College and KCUA. 1983 M.F.A. Kyoto City University of Art […]
Shigeo KUBOTA 久保田 繁雄

Feeling of Jomon Ⅳ Attempted powerful textile modeling with the idea of patterns and forms of earthen ware and dotaku made during the Jomon period in Japan. BIOGRAPHY – SHIGEO KUBOTA born in a family who ran a family business of Nishijin-ori in Kyoto, so was familiar with weaving by nature. In the late 1960s, […]
Naoko SERINO 芹野 直子

generating-4 A sense of distance and Between Distances BIOGRAPHY – NAOKO SERINO – award – 2020 16th. KAJIMA SCULPTURE COMPETITION, Encouragement Award [Tokyo/JAPAN ] 2014 Collection Arte&Arte alla Torre delle Arti di Bellagio, First Prize [Como/ ITALY ] 2008 10th. KAJIMA SCULPTURE COMPETITION, Silver Award [Tokyo/JAPAN ] 2002 BIENNAL-WOMEN IN THE TEXTILE ART 2002, Honorable […]
Naoe OKAMOTO 岡本 直枝

hoho V When I’m with plants, I feel their presence. It’s a sign that they feel, talk, and move like I do. I find it easier to breathe when I’m being with them. And I feel that sun, water, wind, everything is together. In order to embody such a sign of plants, I represent plants […]

Temperature and breath For me, producing works is a natural act like breathing. I touch the material until it gets boring, and then I work on the material in one go from start to finish. Producing works to me is a means of reflecting the subjective ideas of the artist while imparting physical changes to […]
Kyoko KUMAI 熊井 恭子

NAYUTA All of lives made by infinite countless cells. NAYUTA means infinite countless. I am expressing the world of expanding cells. BIOGRAPHY – Kyoko KUMAI 1966 graduated from Tokyo National University of Arts Tokyo Japan 1987 13th Lausanne International Tapestry Biennial, Switzerland 1987〜 1st,2nd,3rd,5th International Textile Competition Kyoto Japan 6th Juror 1991 One Person Exhibition […]